Gain a Full Understanding of Lift Installation for Your Home

Having a home lift installed can allow for easy access to all of the floors of a home. These lifts are perfect for those who have mobility concerns and cannot go up and down stairs. When a homeowner decides to have a lift installed, it can help if they know what to expect from the process so they can be fully prepared. Through a home lift installation in Singapore, a homeowner can rest assured they will have no problem accessing all of the areas of their home even if they are wheelchair bound.

In the past, it was difficult to install a lift in most homes because there was so much work involved. Today, the Home Lift Installation Experts in Singapore are able to install these lifts without the need for creating a pit below the home and without major invasive work being done. Many home lift installations are able to be carried out within one to two days.

There are several types of lifts that can be installed in a home, depending on the homeowner’s needs and how many floors are present in the home. To find out which will be most beneficial, a homeowner needs to schedule a consultation in their home. This will allow the lift experts to determine the homeowner’s needs and give them information on where the lift should be placed and how much they can expect it to cost.


Many homeowners are surprised to learn their lift will take up less space than they believe. Most lifts will take up less space than a wardrobe so the construction of the home does not have to be damaged or changed in any major way.

The team will come in for install home lifts in Singapore and will create an opening through the different levels of the home so the lift channel is large enough for the lift to properly operate and hold the cables and track. All of the mechanical components are put in place first and then the lift is installed.

Before the lift is operated, the team will have an inspection carried out to ensure the lift is safe. The lift will then need a yearly maintenance and inspection appointment carried out to ensure it continues to operate properly.

If you are a homeowner who is interested in having a lift installed in your home, you need to see information on home lift installation by Hin Chong. Hin Chong can provide you with the professional services you need to ensure your lift will provide you with mobility service.

Gain a Full Understanding of Lift Installation for Your Home